Music Core Standards to provide students opportunities to achieve musical proficiency in Four Artistic Processes: Creating, Performing, Responding, and Connecting.

Below are suggested activities that are related to Music Core Standards - Creating, Performing, and Responding. Please note this is a suggested curriculum. Feel free to modify the materials to meet your needs.


*Depth of Knowledge

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Review Grade 1

Pr 4.2

  • Deta Deta (Japanese: ta, titi)

Re 7.2

  • Highway Number 1 (Australia, ta, titi, ta-rest/Z))

ta-a/to-o (half note)

Pr 4.2

  • Here Comes a Bluebird
  • Who's That?

Pr 4.3

  • Recorded Music: Can Can

Re 7.2

  • Dalcroze (eighth, quarter, half notes, stop - Z)

Re 8.1 & 9.1


  • In the Hall of the Mountain King

Cr 2.1

Combine and sequence independently personal musical ideas, using standard or iconic notation or recording technology.

  • Who's that?


Asian Pacific & Other materials

Introduce the cultural background of the music materials, and deliver the activities culturally responsive with sensitivity. 

Pr 4.1 & 4.2

With limited guidance, relate/compare, demonstrate  personal interest in varied musical selections.

  • Aloha Chant (Hawaiian, half note)
  • Ioa Ioa (Kiribati, Shake the Coconut Tree, half note)
  • Kahuli Aku (Hawaiian, half note)
  • Ang Sinina Ko`ng Bag`o (half note) 

Assessment: Pr 5.1 (half-note)

re - key of F

Pr 4.2

  • Cat Goes Fiddle-i-fee
  • Pitter Patter
  • Closet Key
  • Hot Cross Buns
  • Valentine

Re 7.2

  • Dalcroze:
    • Do - re- mi: Pitter Patter, Hot Cross Buns
    • Do - re- mi- so (Valentine)

Cr 3.1

Interpret and apply personal, peer, or teacher feedback to revise personal musical ideas .Combine and sequence independently personal musical ideas, using standard or iconic notation.

  • Rondo - Solos here for everyone, Music for Children, Book I, pg 32


Asian Pacific & Other materials

  • Introduce the cultural background of the music materials, and deliver the activities culturally responsive with sensitivity.

Pr 4.1 & 4.2

  • Ichibanboshi (Japanese, The First Star)
    • titi, ta, Z
  • Ping-Ging-Yi (Korean, Gold Beetle)
    • titi, ta
  • Sasara ang Bulalak (Filipino)
    • Re (Section A)
  • Afro Curls (African American)
    • Re

Assessment: Pr 5.1 (Re in the key of F)

4/4 meter

Re 9.1

Recorded Music:

  • Movement - Fireproof Polka

Assessment: Pr 5.1 (4/4 meter)

Low la, (F: note D)

Pr 4.2

  • Skin and Bones


Asian Pacific & Other materials

  • Introduce the cultural background of the music materials, and deliver the activities culturally responsive with sensitivity.

Pr 4.1 & 4.2

Cr 3.1

Interpret and apply personal, peer, or teacher feedback to revise personal musical ideas .

  • Yangtze Boatmen (rondo form)

Assessment: Pr 5.1 (low la, note D)

Compound Meter

Pr 4.2

  • Witch Witch
  • Humpty Dumpty
  • Skin & Bones

Cr 1.1

Improvise rhythmic and melodic patterns and musical ideas for a specific purpose.

  • Skin and bones


Asian Pacific & Other materials

Introduce the cultural background of the music materials, and deliver the activities culturally responsive with sensitivity.

Pr 4.1 & 4.2

With limited guidance, relate/compare, demonstrate  personal interest in varied musical selections.

  • Chong O Yok Ja (Korean, Gang Gang Soo Lae)
  • Ddeok No Lae (Korean, Rice Cake song)

Assessment: Pr 5.1 (Compound Meter)

Tiri-tiri (16th notes)

Pr 4.2

  • Ding Dong
  • Pumpkin Pumpkin
  • Love Somebody

Pr 6.1

  • Ding Dong

Re 7.2

  • Dalcroze - 16th notes

Cr 3.2

Convey expressive intent in a final composition of students' personal musical ideas with peers or informal audience.

  • Canon - Ding Dong, Music for Children, Book I, pg 24


Asian Pacific & Other materials


Pr 4.1 & 4.2

  • Little Pig (Mandarin, 小猪吃得饱饱)

Assessment: Pr 5.1 (16th notes)

Low so, (F: note middle C)

Pr 4.2

  • Charlie Over the Ocean (compound meter)



Asian Pacific & Other materials


Introduce the cultural background of the music materials, and deliver the activities culturally responsive with sensitivity.

Pr 4.1 & 4.2

With limited guidance, relate/compare, demonstrate  personal interest in varied musical selections.

  • Chatsumi (Japanese, Tea Picking)
  • Sasara ang Bulalak (Filipino, Circle Game)
  • Eia Makou (Hawaiian)
  • Kahuli Aku (Hawaiian)

Assessment: Pr 5.1 (low so, note C)

Pr 4.3

Identify musical timbre

Re 4.3 & 7.1


  • Closet Key


  • American folk dances
  • Japanese Obon dance

Questions? Please leave a note:

Comments: 1
  • #1

    Lauren Fagaragan (Saturday, 29 June 2024 01:17)

    Cn - Maybe reword this: “Introduce the cultural background of the music materials, and deliver the activities culturally responsive with sensitivity.
    “Introduce the cultural background of the music materials and deliver that activities in a culturally responsive manner with sensitivity.“

    Low la, (F: note D)
    Cr3.1 – I’m not familiar with what you want them to create with Yangtze Boatmen (rondo form). Are they improvising melodically?

    Low so, (F: note middle C)
    Nothing listed for Cr… if nothing, then remove.

    Are the last two (Pr 4.3 and Re 4.3 & 7.1) supposed to relate to a specific concept? Or just musical expression?
    Also probably should read “Pr 4.3 and Re 7.1”